Our Mission
Be the preferred destination for professional soft tissue intervention in an emotionally safe environment.
About Us
We are Thomas (Tom) and Na Shao (Hanna). We are both Florida State licensed massage therapists serving the Avalon Park area of Orlando, although some customers drive as long as an hour for their appointments. Our clinic blend establishment provides a clean and emotionally safe environment where you can receive a relaxation massage or therapeutic massage planned specifically for you.
After serving 8 years in the US Navy, followed by nearly 14 years in a US Army green uniform, Tom became a caregiver for both civilians and disabled veterans. At first, the experience was a little overwhelming. Providing such intimate care for clients who were mentally disoriented from dementia, medication, or encephalopathy was both enlightening and emotionally difficult. Clients who suffered from a cardiovascular accident (stroke) or those recovering from spinal surgery were mentally aware but were often unable to control their body without assistance.
It was through these experiences that the seed was planted to pursue a profession wherein Tom could again provide compassionate care. Much of the public endures stress, PTSD, muscle tension, back and shoulder pain, trigger points, headaches and many other health-related conditions that can benefit from interventional massage. This is where Tom finds his purpose.
Hanna found her purpose while living in California and pursued the required education to apply for and then pass the MBLEx, the comprehensive exam used to qualify practitioners for licensing. Hanna puts her heart in every massage session, as can be attested to by anyone fortunate enough to have been her client. Her compassionate energy is shared generously and with focused intent.
Hanna’s intent has evolved to more than just helping people feel better physically. Sessions with Hanna have often resulted in the client experiencing reduced anxiety and stress, as well as resolving emotional tension.
Together, Hanna and Tom are growing their practice to include various modalities by continuing their professional education and through networking with members of the AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) and FSMTA (Florida State Massage Therapy Association).